‘Rag and Bone’ man George Norris takes a sink with taps out of the mixed scrap that was tipped off their pick-up truck at Griffiths Group Metal & Waste Recycling yard in Hull May 6, 2022.

George Norris calls ‘Scrap Iron! Rag Bone!’ along Wakefield Avenue as he looks for scrap in Hull May 12, 2022.   

George lifts a tumble dryer onto the back of the pick-up truck as he collects scrap in Hull May 10. 2022.

George is offered a shovel as scrap by a one-legged man in a wheelchair in Hull May 10, 2022.

George peers through a garden fence along a back passageway as he searches for scrap in Hull May 6, 2022. 

George wheels a scrap washing machine from a house on Woodland Avenue in Hull May 7, 2022.

George waits for lunch to be brought to him in Neise’s cafe in Hull May 6, 2022.

George Norris walks back up an alleyway as he searches for scrap in Hull May 10, 2022.

George Norris Snr reaches out for scrap metals that had been left on a wall for collection in Hull May 12, 2022.

George waits at a tyre repair shop as his father, George Norris Snr sits in their pick-up truck while the puncture is being repaired in Hull May 10, 2022. A nail was probably picked up in the scrap yard, their first port of call.

George stands in front of a ‘mountain’ of scrap at Griffiths Waste and Recycling Yard in Hull May 6, 2022.

George enjoys a cigarette in his back garden after a day’s work collecting scrap in Hull May 9, 2022.